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  • July 24, 2023 10:59 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The Inter-University Council of Ohio Purchasing Group has posted RFP #UN23-236 IUC-PG Database and Website Redesign. You may find more information on this RFP at: https://iucpg.com/supplier-information/registration-rfp-info. The RFP document contains all information on the request and process for responding.

  • July 21, 2023 3:44 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    This weekend! Support Yah Mon Cleaning Service by purchasing popcorn via https://s.dgpopup.com/h014ha2h.

  • July 20, 2023 8:00 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Are you managing your own books for your business? Or are you working with a bookkeeper to manage your books but have trouble with their software? Take a look at Wave! Wave is a site where you can create invoices, accept online payments, and make accounting easy—all in one place—with Wave’s suite of money tools. Learn more here.

  • May 18, 2023 1:52 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Did you know that as a COAACC member you can receive discounts on your commercial AND residential energy bills? To receive a free bill review, simply grab a recent copy of your electric and natural gas bills and send them to billreview@ceateam.com, or visit chamberenergyprogram.com to fill out the request form.

  • April 11, 2023 12:48 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority (hereinafter, “CMHA”) is seeking bids from interested parties for the procurement of OCCUPIED WATER DAMAGE RESTORATION/REMODEL UNITS. For details, visit https://cmhanet.com/Business/PurchasingContracts

  • March 23, 2023 4:39 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    PartnerShip FedEx provider: Hidden Hacks that get the most out of your FedEx Discounts. 

    Saving money on shipping expenses for your business is more important than ever in this challenging economy. You have options and decisions to make when it comes to shipping to receive the best value and savings.

    PartnerShip, the SOCA preferred provider that manages your chamber member-exclusive shipping benefits, will explore 6 hidden hacks that members can use to save more with FedEx. Here's your chance to learn how to get the most out of this free member benefit, and what you can do to lower your small package shipping expenses.

    In this webinar will cover:

    • The 2023 UPS & FedEx rate increases.• How to get the most out of My FedEx Rewards.
    • How to get free FedEx Express supplies.
    • How to get free package testing with FedEx.
    • FedEx Multiweight pricing and much more!
    They are offering multiple dates to attend this session
    Wednesday, April 26 at 2pm
    Thursday, April 27 at 11am and 2pm
    Wednesday, May 10 at 11am
    Thursday, May 11 at 11am

    Use this link to register.

  • March 01, 2023 1:41 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Bricker Graydon LLP is seeking a vendor partner to design a website for our recently merged firms. The URL for the company’s new website is brickergraydon.com.

    Links to both existing websites can be found here:

    - https://graydon.law

    - https://bricker.com

    In addition, Bricker Graydon is also seeking a vendor partner to redesign our affiliate website. The link to INCompliance Consulting can be found here: https://www.incomplianceconsulting.com

    Click here to download the RFP.

    Proposals due by March 3, 2023

  • January 09, 2023 1:47 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    GLOBAL OPPORTUNITIES (unless specified in the description)

    Amazon App Store Small Business Accelerator - The Small Business Accelerator Program allows developers that earn less than 1 million USD in total annual revenue in the previous calendar year to access additional benefits up to or equivalent to 20% of Appstore revenue. If eligible, you’ll receive a 10% increased royalty payment and AWS credits equivalent to 10% of your app revenue. - https://developer.amazon.com/apps-and-games/small-business-program

    Amazon AWS Healthcare Accelerator - Virtual four-week technical, business, and mentorship accelerator that will scale high potential startups focusing on the challenge of healthcare burnout, training, retaining, and deploying the healthcare workforce. Earn AWS credits. Apply by 1/8/2023 - https://www.alchemistaccelerator.com/AWS-Healthcare-Accelerator

    Antler Global Startup Program - Antler is a global early-stage VC that runs multiple programs for business startups around the world. See the website for more info about the program and application dates. - https://www.antler.co/platform/#apply-now

    Awesome Foundation - Foundation distributes $1,000 grants, no strings attached, to projects and their creators. At each fully autonomous chapter, the money is pooled together from the coffers of ten or so self-organizing “micro-trustees”.  Awarded monthly - https://www.awesomefoundation.org/en

    Outpost Residency - Outpost is a residency for creative writers of color from the United States and Latin America. Each September, two writers are awarded a $2,000 stipend as well as complimentary travel, lodging, and meals to spend a month cultivating a generative writing community in the mountains of Southern Vermont.  Apply by 1/15/23 - https://www.outposttheresidency.org/

    RESPOND Accelerator - The RESPOND Accelerator is a 5-month startup accelerator program that systematically advances how entrepreneurs lead, grow and scale sustainable businesses. While the team is based in Munich, most of the accelerator operates online and they work with startups from across the globe.  Apply by 2/6/2023 - https://respond-accelerator.com/apply/

    Tech4Eva Fem Tech Accelerator - All start-ups or projects developing innovative solutions to foster women's health are welcome to apply to this program. Apply by 1/31/2023 - https://app.future-of-health.org/public/application/inc/633ae7b367374ccd3db4f4d8

    Techstars Accelerators - Techstars accelerators have one goal: to help entrepreneurs succeed. During each three-month program, they surround companies with the best mentors and an unrivaled network of corporate partners, investors, and alumni.  Companies can receive $20K for 6% of company.  Various locations and due dates - https://www.techstars.com/accelerators/


    Amazon's Black Business Accelerator - Dedicated to helping build sustainable equity and growth for Black entrepreneurs by enabling their success as sellers. Grow your business with access to financial support, strategic business guidance and mentorship, and marketing and promotional support. - https://sell.amazon.com/programs/black-business-accelerator

    BK-XL Accelerator Program - BK-XL is an early-stage 10-week startup accelerator program for BIPOC founders.  You do not need to be a current New York resident to apply. However, upon acceptance into the BK-XL program, you must be based out of Brooklyn for the duration of the programming.  Investments up to $500,000. Apply by 1/20/2023 - https://visiblehands.smapply.io/prog/bk-xl/?utm_campaign=BKXL_Lightbox&utm_source=bk-xl.com&utm_medium=web

    Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund - The Farmer Veteran Fellowship Fund is a small grant program that provides direct assistance to veterans who are in their beginning years of farming or ranching. The Fellowship Fund does not give money directly to the veteran, but rather to third-party vendors for items the veteran has identified will make a crucial difference in the launch of their farm business. Awards range from $1,000 to $5,000. Apply by 2/14/23 - https://farmvetco.org/fvfellowship/

    Feed The Soul Foundation Grant - Grant to aid marginalized professionals in the culinary industry who identify as Black and Latinx. Applicant must own a culinary business with at least 4 employees. Grants for $10,000.  Apply by 1/31/2023 - https://feedthesoul.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6gPK0ODLAxlJQRE

    FemHealth Accelerator Grant - Applicants should be early-stage women-owned companies in the FemHealth space building technology-enabled products and solutions that drastically improve women’s health and wellness.  Grants for $10,000. Apply by 1/27/2023 https://www.stitchcrew.com/femhealth-accelerator

    Freed Fellowship - Every month, one $500 grant is awarded to an underrepresented founder in the US to invest in their existing business. No strings attached. No equity required. Grant recipients are also eligible to receive an additional end-of-year grant of $2,500. https://www.freedfellowship.com/grant1

    Fruit Guys Community Fund Grant - The applicant farm must be an established working farm with at least 1 year of experience that is looking to improve operations. Projects should help small farms and orchards operate more environmentally and economically, as well as strengthen community outreach. Funding up to $5000.  Apply by 1/30/23 - https://fruitguyscommunityfund.org/apply/

    Halstead Grant (jewelry) - Halstead Grant is an annual award for emerging silver jewelry artists. Applicants submit answers to 15 business questions in addition to their design portfolios. The experience is designed to help jewelry entrepreneurs create a strategy to kick-start their careers. Grant for $7,500. Apply by 5/1/23 - https://grant.halsteadbead.com/

    Juntos Crecemos Hispanic Digital & Delivery Program (PepsiCo) - PepsiCo is inviting Latina entrepreneurs who work in food service to apply for eight weeks of personalized expert consultation, including best practices across operations, technology, marketing and digital presence. https://pepsicojuntoscrecemos.com/jefaowned/

    Mazuma Small Business Grant - Mazuma will select finalists to feature on their website and social media. They will then open the vote to the public to help decide which finalist wins the $10,000 grand prize. They will also provide a $1,000 prize for two additional business owners. Apply by 1/15/2023 - https://mazumausa.com/contest/

    Novae Grants Database - Novae Grants database are intended for small businesses with 6-100 employees, though some are also intended for larger businesses and sole proprietor startups - https://grants.novaegrants.com/

    Rev Summer Prototyping Hardware Accelerator - The Rev Summer Prototyping Hardware Accelerator is open to anyone with an idea for a product and a passion for entrepreneurship. The program is free and open to the public, and teams do not need to have a legally-formed LLC to participate. The classic track supports product ideas across all industries, and the AgTech and CleanTech tracks offer startups the chance to work with a like-minded cohort and learn from industry experts.  Stipends from $2000-$10,000 are available.  Apply by 3/31/2023 - https://www.revithaca.com/prototyping-hardware-accelerator/

    SPUR (Shared Purpose, Unlimited Reach) Pathways - Through an integrated and collaborative approach, Macy’s, Inc. and Momentus will provide access to a range of capital options from microloans to growth capital to equity investments. This represents a commitment to underrepresented businesses and aims to galvanize the retail industry to invest in the next generation of entrepreneurs - https://www.macysinc.com/purpose/spurpathways

    Square Black Equity Grant program - This program will provide Black-led platform partners with both financial support as well as increased exposure and visibility. Company must have been founded by or have a current CEO who identifies as Black/African American. Company must be US based and its platform must be publicly launched and have at least 5 customers. Funding up to $15,000 - https://squareup.com/us/en/campaign/black-equity-grant-program

    Start Small Think Big is a nonprofit that helps small businesses with high potential and limited access to the resources needed to create thriving businesses. They partner with small business owners, providing personalized business support and building connections with local communities.  If you are interested in being considered as a “client” for free services, you can fill out this form https://partner.startsmallthinkbig.org/bofainstitute (for English) or https://partner.startsmallthinkbig.org/bofainstitute-esp (for Spanish)  They also offer free webinars (in Eng and Span).  See this link for their upcoming events: https://www.startsmallthinkbig.org/events-for-small-businesses

    StitchCrew FemHealth Accelerator - Accelerator is seeking early-stage women-owned companies in the FemHealth space building technology-enabled products and solutions that drastically improve women’s health and wellness. Funding of $10,000.  Apply by 1/27/2023 - https://www.stitchcrew.com/femhealth-accelerator

    Truist NonProfit Grant - The Truist Foundation supports nonprofits with grants that target leadership development, economic mobility, thriving communities and educational equity. Quarterly deadlines - https://www.truist.com/purpose/truist-foundation/grant-application

    Veterans Business Outreach Center - The Veterans Business Outreach Center (VBOC) program offers resources to veterans who are interested in starting or growing a small business - https://www.sba.gov/local-assistance/resource-partners/veterans-business-outreach-center-vboc-program

    Wish Local Empowerment Program - You must be a Black-owned business with a brick-and-mortar shop within the United States and less than 20 employees. Grants for up to $2000 - https://www.wish.com/local/empowerment

    Zen Business - For a limited time, Zen Business is giving every mom in America the ability to start an LLC for free. https://www.zenbusiness.com/moms/

  • January 06, 2023 8:46 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    COAACC members have access to a Pooled Employer Retirement Savings Plan through our membership with SOCA.

    Many small business owners wish they could provide employees with access to a retirement plan but are unable to due to concerns about

    • Lack of time and expertise
    • Cost
    • Fiduciary Liability

    Thanks to legislation passed in 2019, small to mid-sized employers now can pool together their individual retirement plans to provide this benefits that are similar to the largest companies in our country.

    Under the SECURE Act, the most significant retirement legislation, employers can offer a cost affordable retirement plan through a Pooled Employer Plan (PEP) arrangement. 

    Overview and Advantages of a PEP

    In a PEP, employers of all sizes, industries, locations etc. can join together and become a "member employer" through the SOCA Pooled Employer Plan (SOCA PEP). The Newport Group the Pooled Plan Provider (PPP) of the SOCA PEP is responsible for establishment, management, fiduciary oversight and operations of the plan on behalf of the member employers. In the SOCA PEP, member employers can take advantage of:

    • Cost Efficiencies - Costs are lower because they spread across a larger participant and asset base, thereby reducing the costs for each member of the plan.
    • Fiduciary Risk Mitigation - Fiduciary duties are outsourced to a plan advisor serving as an ERISA 3(38) investment fiduciary. 
    • Operational Outsourcing - Newport Group is the Pooled Plan Provider (PPP) and assumes many of the administrative burdens on behalf of the member employers including eligibility, beneficiary tracking and plan disbursements. 
    • Increased Focus - Member employers use fewer resources allowing more focus on growing revenues and profits in their business. 

    Advantages Include: 

    For Member Employers

    • 402(a) named fiduciary
    • integrated 3(16) administrative fiduciary
    • 3(38) advisor support services
    • Integrated trust and custody services
    • Digital access to all plan functions and information
    • Payroll contribution tracking and integration
    • integrated non-qualified plans

    For Individual Employee Participants

    • Full-function participant website and call center
    • Spanish website
    • Full suite participant education seminars
    • Financial wellness program
    • Integrated managed account services

    Click here to learn more!

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