National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning
A signature event for ODI, the National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning is a two-day dialogue around issues of diversity, cultural inclusion and acceptance held in May each year. The conference is an ongoing conversation on diversity and its implementation across higher education, the corporate world and other facets of American society.
Submission Deadline
Monday, January 15, 2024
Tuesday, May 7, 2024
8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (eastern time)
You are invited to present for this important one-day time of engaging in matters that affect our lives, our workplaces, our communities.
Considering your background and extensive knowledge on the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, race, social justice, and/or (un)learning, we strongly encourage you and/or your colleagues to submit “session proposals” for the May 2024 conference.
This is your chance to share your findings and best practices with other practitioners, academics, HR professionals, those in government, etc.
Submissions will be reviewed as they are received. Early submission is encouraged. Presentation space is limited.
[Fees for Preconference Diversity Training Sessions (May 6 - participation optional) and Conference Main Day (May 7) waived for presenters on successfully accepted proposal submissions.]