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  • February 06, 2024 9:53 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    This full-day conference, "Our Future DEI Footprint," is one you don't want to miss!!

    Join HRACO on February 13th when HR and DEIB experts and practitioners interested in exploring the future of DEIB through thought-provoking topics are brought together for a day of learning, networking and fun!

    Our Future DEIB Footprint conference aims to explore the future of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging (DEIB). The conference will bring together HR and DEIB experts and practitioners to discuss the latest trends, challenges, and opportunities in the field of DEIB.

    The conference will feature keynote speakers that will bring energy and a fresh outlook on topics, along with interactive sessions that will provide insights into the future of DEIB and how it can be leveraged to drive innovation, growth, and social impact. The conference will also provide a platform for networking and collaboration among participants, enabling them to share their experiences, best practices, and ideas for advancing DEIB in their respective organizations.

    Tuesday, February 13, 2024, at the Columbus Museum of Art. Virtual attendance is available! Register today and use this code 24HRACODEI to get a discount:   Events – HRACO

  • January 09, 2024 12:10 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The application process for the REAP Academy is open. Applications are due January 31st, midnight EST. See our website for additional details.

    The Academy

    Project REAP is pleased to announce the return of the REAP Academy in Spring 2024. The REAP Academy bridges the gap between talented, diverse professionals and the commercial real estate industry. It is designed to introduce commercial real estate terminology, concepts, and processes that can lay the foundation for a successful career in commercial real estate.

    Ideal Candidate

    If you are a professional or entrepreneur seeking to enter the commercial real estate industry, planning a career pivot, or currently working in the CRE space and aiming to advance your career, then the REAP Academy may be for you!

    Program Structure

    Hybrid: Candidate lives in a Project REAP metro, 7 weeks virtual sessions and 3 in-person engagements; tuition $1,100.

    Project REAP's current metros are Atlanta, New York, Washington DC, Chicago, Columbus, Cleveland, Los Angeles, and Dallas.

    Virtual: Candidate does not live in a current Project REAP metro; 7 weeks virtual sessions; tuition $900.

    The Academy Dates

    Starts April 8, 2024, and ends June 10, 2024.

    Virtual sessions are held Mondays and Thursdays from 5 pm to 6:30 pm EST.

    Apply at https://www.projectreap.org

  • January 03, 2024 6:42 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    The Greater Columbus Arts Council (GCAC) is hosting a speed-networking event to introduce Columbus arts organizations to new people as possible board or committee candidates, new art fans and/or advocates. We want our arts organizations to better reflect our diverse community, so we are reaching out to through a variety of young professional and culturally-specific leadership programs, corporate employee resource and community groups.  Please share through your channels and/or with the appropriate person in your company or association.
    The event will be held Tuesday, Feb 6, from 5:00 – 7:000pm at the Columbus Museum of Art. Individuals will rotate to multiple table conversations with arts organizations seeking skills like yours. Modest appetizers and cash bar available. Space is limited. 

    Please take a moment to sign up for the event and tell us about yourself by using this link https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/G7LJF7G

    Please respond by Noon, January 19, 2023.  Space is limited.

    If you have questions, email abarret@gcac.org

  • January 01, 2024 1:53 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    A Brown Bag Lunch Webinar with Strategic HR

    Ohio Recreational Marijuana Law — Next Steps for Employers

    On December 7, 2023, the “Act to Control and Regulate Adult Use Cannabis” law went into effect, legalizing the use of recreational marijuana in the state of Ohio. Employers of all types are seeking guidance on how to proceed with drug free workplace policies and processes in light of this change in the law.

    This webinar will cover issues related to the law, including employer rights, employee rights, how the change in law relates to Worker’s Compensation and the Americans with Disabilities act, and provides practical steps to address the use of marijuana in the workplace.

    Make plans to join us January 16th; Noon - 1:00pm.

    Pre-registration is required.

    This is a One Time Only event presented by Strategic HR

    Register Today - Space is Limited

  • December 27, 2023 6:05 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)
    A Unique Opportunity to Connect with Thousands From Ohio and Beyond!

    The 2024 Vendor Application is now open! Apply here, if you’re interested in expanding your business by growing your customer base or gaining support for your organization.


  • December 18, 2023 9:00 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Electricity rates have risen over the past year for many customers who have not shopped the market. Check out these savings stories from customers who were able to lower their energy bills through the Chamber Energy Program. See if you could save on your energy bills next year by taking advantage of free bill review!

    Simply grab a recent copy of your electric bill, fill out the request form on the second page of the attachment, and email both to billreview@ceateam, or head to https://chamberenergyprogram.com to fill out the request form! Savings not guaranteed and actual savings may vary.

  • December 15, 2023 1:05 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning

    A signature event for ODI, the National Conference on Diversity, Race & Learning is a two-day dialogue around issues of diversity, cultural inclusion and acceptance held in May each year. The conference is an ongoing conversation on diversity and its implementation across higher education, the corporate world and other facets of American society.


    Submission Deadline
    Monday, January 15, 2024

    Tuesday, May 7, 2024
    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (eastern time)

    You are invited to present for this important one-day time of engaging in matters that affect our lives, our workplaces, our communities.

    Considering your background and extensive knowledge on the topics of diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging, race, social justice, and/or (un)learning, we strongly encourage you and/or your colleagues to submit “session proposals” for the May 2024 conference.

    This is your chance to share your findings and best practices with other practitioners, academics, HR professionals, those in government, etc.

    Submissions will be reviewed as they are received. Early submission is encouraged. Presentation space is limited.

    [Fees for Preconference Diversity Training Sessions (May 6 - participation optional) and Conference Main Day (May 7) waived for presenters on successfully accepted proposal submissions.]


  • November 01, 2023 8:00 AM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    We're creating an evergreen vendor list! If you want to get these invites each time we receive them, fill out this form: https://forms.gle/1h2gJJam8R69Qr1U7. We will send out a request once a year to make sure we have your most up-to-date information on file. If your information changes be fore then, just complete the form again to update.

    Need vendors for your event? E-mail team@coaacc.org with details on your event, including how many vendors you're seeking and when. We'll send your request out to our list.

  • August 02, 2023 5:16 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    2024 Waste Reduction Grants Deadline Approaching

    As part of our ongoing mission to manage the waste stream to enable community growth, prosperity and environmental stewardship, SWACO has established the Community Waste Reduction Grant (CWRG) program and the Event Waste Reduction Grant (EWRG) program. Through these programs, governmental entities like parks, cities, townships and villages, schools, other public sectors, non-profit organizations and events can receive funding for projects and programs that address waste reduction and diversion.  

    If you are looking to apply or learn more, don’t delay! The deadline for the 2024 season is quickly approaching! 

    In 2023, the grant program supported various waste reduction initiatives, including improving existing recycling, implementing new residential drop-off sites for food scrap composting, and hiring a consultant to identify waste reduction, diversion, and community engagement and education opportunities. Since 2016, SWACO has awarded more than $950,000 in grant funding to more than 90 local waste diversion projects across the region. 

    Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact 614-871-5100 or email grants@swaco.org to share ideas before applying. Applications will be accepted until August 4, 2023, before 5 p.m. For more information, including important dates and qualifying jurisdictions, click HERE

  • July 24, 2023 5:09 PM | COAACC Administrator (Administrator)

    Catch the Wave provides certified and non-certified women business owners access to networking, training, and WBEC ORV corporate members. This conference includes an opening reception, pitch breakfast, keynote luncheon, awards dinner, workshops for our corporate and WBE workshops, WBE Showcase, a Meet the Buyer event, and most importantly, FUN!

    Want to attend? Email averi@coaacc.org by July 31 for your chance to attend for free!

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